Unlike other mesothelioma lawyers, many of the attorneys and staff members at Coady Law are veterans themselves. They share your experiences, dedication and standards. You are not alone in this fight.
Individuals diagnosed with asbestos-related mesothelioma are entitled to compensation from the manufacturers and distributors of the asbestos-containing products to which they were exposed. The key to a successful result is to understand and to identify the source(s) of your particular asbestos exposure. We do that better than anyone. To learn more about your legal rights and treatment options, please read more here.
As a very rare form of cancer, mesothelioma is often difficult to diagnose as it initially shares the same symptoms as other diseases. As a result, symptoms are often not recognized for what they actually are. It is not uncommon for a person's mesothelioma to go untreated for months after first feeling ill. It is important to quickly develop the right treatment plan once you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma. For a comprehensive list of treatment facilities please visit here.