Legal Process Overview
With the aggressive nature of mesothelioma, it is important to make every moment count. After discovering you or a loved one has been diagnosed with an asbestos-related cancer, please call us as soon as possible to discuss your legal situation. We offer a free, no obligation consultation, and will work with you and your family to determine the configuration of your case and litigation timeline.
Since all states have a statue of limitations by which cases must be filed, we will work swiftly to ensure the case is filed before the allotted time has expired. In the event that you or your loved one's health is deteriorating, we will set in motion mechanisms for an earlier trial date to ensure that you get priority and have your case heard. This is an essential factor for a successful settlement as the person stricken with the disease is often the most convincing witness to the level of exposure and the exposure history.
At the Coady Law Firm, we believe that the most important factor for your case is to seek medical attention early and quickly to secure the best treatment options available to you. After this, our attorneys will swiftly and seamlessly guide you through your legal options. They will work to give you the peace of mind you need during the fight of your life and will ensure you receive the justice and financial compensation you deserve.
For your free, no obligation legal consultation to discuss your case and rights, please call us today at 1-888-802-MESO (6376).