You Are Not Alone
Each year, approximately 3,000 individuals are diagnosed with mesothelioma. Of this population, nearly 30 percent are fellow veterans who served our country. If you are one of these individuals, you are in the fight of your life. Take comfort in knowing that there are others ready to stand by your side to fight with you and for you.
Given our veterans' widespread asbestos exposure, many large urban medical centers and even Veterans Hospitals have established programs available to former military personnel suffering from asbestos-related illnesses. If you are looking for individualized care or support, most Veterans Centers and Clinics offer counseling for veterans and their families. These centers provide a support network for veterans to discuss the many issues that plague former military personnel. From public policy and legislation to mental health care issues and homelessness, many veterans use these centers as a means to socialize and to gain insight into their past and to help with the battles they still face. Some of these centers also provide long term health care and housing for veterans, while providing affordable, high quality, comprehensive nursing and domiciliary care.
If you are seeking guidance or medical support during your illness, please seek the assistance of your physician or reach out to a trained professional from the selection of groups listed below. To learn more about your legal options during your treatment, please contact one of our veteran attorneys at Coady Law who will advise you of your rights.
As trusted attorneys and fellow veterans, we are your best choice during your time of need.
Cancer Support Groups
National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information
Service: 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-442-6237)
National Cancer Institute
Office of Cancer Communications
31 Center Drive, MSC 2580
Bethesda, MD 20892-2580
American Cancer Society
Cancer Hope Network
This nonprofit organization provides free one-on-one support with trained volunteers to cancer patients and their families.
Online Resources
Sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania, this site offers a comprehensive, well organized source of cancer information for patients and health professionals.
Cancer Symptoms
This site provides tips and background information on cancer fatigue; cancer patients can also have their personal questions about cancer fatigue answered by oncology nurses.
Cancer Supportive Care
This site contains supportive care information including nutrition, fatigue, anemia and pain control.
The Hospice Web
This site stresses whole person care and provides a means for locating suitable hospices.
Outreach Groups
Cancer Care
Cancer Care is an organization that provides assistance free of charge to people with cancer.
The Alliance for Lung Cancer Advocacy, Support and Education
ALCASE is a nationally based organization devoted to improving the quality of life for people with lung cancer through education, support, advocacy and rehabilitation. This site provides information on lung cancer, clinical trials and provides a connection to others with lung cancer.
Corporate Angel Network
The Corporate Angel Network provides cancer patients with free air transportation to and from medical facilities using empty seats on corporate aircraft. Patients must meet certain qualifications.